If m is numeric and z=: m} y ,
then $z equals $m , which equals
the shape of an item of y .
The atom j{z is j{(j{m){y . For example:
y=: a.{~(a.i.'A')+i.4 5
m=: 3 1 0 2 1
y ; m ; m}y
|ABCDE|3 1 0 2 1|PGCNJ|
|FGHIJ| | |
|KLMNO| | |
|PQRST| | |
If m is not a gerund, x m} y is formed by replacing
by x those parts of y selected by m&{
(an error is signalled if such selection requires fill).
y; '%*'(1 3;2 _1)} y
$x must be a suffix of $m{y ,
and x has the same effect as ($m{y)$,x . Thus:
y; 'think' 1 2} y