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Files 1!:

Except as otherwise noted, a file may be specified by a name (such as <'sub\abc.q') or by an integer file number obtained from open (1!:21 <'sub\abc.q').

1!:0 y Directory. y is a string of the path search expression (a boxed string is also accepted); the result is a 5-column table of the file name, modification time, size, permission, and attributes, individually boxed. For example, try 1!:0 '*.*'. The permission and attribute columns are system dependent. For example, in Windows:
   1!:0 'j.exe'
|j.exe|1998 2 2 14 33 46|676864|rwx|-----a|
Permission is a 3-letter string indicating the read, write, and execute permissions. Attributes is a 6-letter string indicating read-only, hidden, system, volume label, directory, and archive.
1!:1 y Read. y is a file name or a file number (produced by 1!:21); the result is a string of the file contents., e.g. 1!:1 <'abc.q'. The following values for y are also permitted:

1 read from the keyboard (does not work within a script)
3 read from standard input (stdin)
x 1!:2 y Write. x is a string of the new contents of the file; y is a file name or file number (produced by 1!:21). The following values for y are also permitted:

2 screen output.
4 standard output (stdout)
5 standard error   (stderr)
x 1!:3 y Append. Like x 1!:2 y, but appends rather than replaces
1!:4 y Size
1!:5 y Create Directory. y is a (boxed) directory name
[x] 1!:6 y Query/Set Attributes.
[x] 1!:7 y Query/Set Permissions.
1!:11 y Indexed Read. y is a list of a boxed file name (or number) and a boxed index and length. The index may be negative. If the length is elided, the read goes to the end. For example:
1!:11 'abc.x';1000 20
f=: 1!:21 <'abc.x'
1!:11 f,1000 20
x 1!:12 y Indexed Write. x is the string to be written; y is a list of a boxed file name (or number) and a boxed index.
1!:20 y File Numbers and Names. A 2-column table of the open file numbers and names.
1!:21 y Open. Open file named y, creating it if necessary; result is a file number.
1!:22 y Close. Close file named or numbered y. Any locks are released.
1!:30 y Locks. A 3-column integer table of the file number, index, and length of file locks. The argument y is required but ignored.
1!:31 y Lock. y is a 3-element integer vector of the file number, index, and length of the file region to be locked; the result is 1 if the request succeeded, and 0 if it did not.
1!:32 y Unlock. y is a 3-element integer vector of the file number, index, and length of the file region to be unlocked.
1!:43 y Query Current Working Directory. Query the current working directory (Posix getcwd).
1!:44 y Set Current Working Directory. Set the current working directory (Posix chdir).
1!:46 y Query DLL Path. Query the UTF8 path to j.dll in Windows and '' in Unix.
1!:55 y Erase File/Directory. e.g., 1!:55<'careful'

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